Half-Arsed Haiku – Tue 14 June, 2016


Image courtesy of VictorianLady via Pixabay

Since my cancer diagnosis, I  no longer save things ‘for best’ or for ‘rainy days’. I wear my favourite frocks whenever I can, scuff up my nicest shoes. I don’t worry about writing in lovely notebooks that I kept blank for years, afraid to spoil. I use those posh cosmetics and toiletries rather than hiding them away in drawers. I don’t worry about waiting for special occasions to use my ‘good’ glasses or crockery… They may break, so what, it is, after all, just ‘stuff’. I have an informal bucket (or fuckit list as I like to call it) with things I want to do, places I want to see – from the small and insignificant and ordinary to the big, blue sky once-in-a-lifetime deals. The small things are still important though. I try to do things now, while I can, when I can, when chemo allows. Because what if you hold off on using or doing the things you love, waiting for the right time and the right time never comes or it comes and you are in no fit state to make the most of it? What then? Life is too short and too precious. What are you waiting for?!! Live in the present, live in the now…

On Not Saving The Best Till Last:

use these things you keep
‘for best’. For when are you both
at yours if not now

A Little Bit Longer….


Normally I stick to tiny poems – my ‘half-arsed haiku’ or senryu (also called human haiku as they focus more on human nature or emotions than the ‘nature’ nature or seasons that are really supposed to be the focus of traditional haiku!). Today however I thought I’d get out of my comfort zone and post a slightly longer one in honour of World Poetry Day.  Hope you like it…


On World Poetry Day – The Words, How They Help:

It helps to try and get the words out
those dry and dusty words
that build up
in quiet corners
the useless phrases that hide in cupboards
under stairs and sinks
the well worn words that sleep in coat pockets
among torn tissues and old bus tickets
the sly ones that
hide in damp leaves and still waters
the words that are maybe dark
but do not always run deep
the ones that threaten to burst out
in great gulps of air
those that would love to leap from my throat
to be caught by tender fingertips
or spat out
like too cold tea
the words that help
make sense
of the senseless
and light of the dark
that sometimes wraps itself around me
the words that give a face to my fear
that i may recognise it
slap it down
or kiss it better
the words that make me stop in my tracks
and listen
and notice
and take in the tiny
the insignificant
that are no longer
now I see
that what i thought was broken
is actually beautiful
that what was bitter
is so so sweet
